Western Snowy Plover in 2022

This year was a phenomenal breeding season for Western Snowy Plover. More chicks hatched than ever and there was not a single case of common ravens taking eggs from a nest! Read Snowy Plover Docent Program Manager, Matt Lau’s final update on the 2022 season and check out the adorable chick photos from his updates all season.

In 2022, there were 34 total nests in the breeding season from March to September: 22 hatched and 12 failed. 28 chicks fledged and I hope many of them will stay in the area over the winter and eventually join the growing group of adults who breed in Point Reyes.

As you can see from the chart below, North Beach was the most productive breeding site with 16 nests that hatched and the happy location where 24 chicks fledged.

One important lesson learned for me this season was that orange peels attract ravens. They are the food waste I see most often on trails and on the beach in Point Reyes. I wish everyone knew that orange peels attract predators and can take 6 months to 2 years to decompose. Both good reasons to pick up those peels!

I look forward to volunteering in 2023 to help protect the plovers.

lena zentall